Een startpunt om goed beleid te voeren is informatie. Deze cluster draagt zowel op macro als op micro niveau bij tot de kennisopbouw over duurzaaam materialenbeheer.
Een startpunt om goed beleid te voeren is informatie. Cluster 2 draagt zowel op macro als op micro niveau bij tot de kennisopbouw over Duurzaam Materialenbeheer. Op macro schaal wordt onderzicht hoe fysieke Input Output tabellen kunnen opgebouwd worden om de materiaalstromen tussen economische sectoren in Vlaanderen in kaart te brengen. Op micro schaal wordt geëvalueerd welke indicatoren gebruikt kunnen worden om ‘resource efficiency’ te meten en op te volgen. De gedefinieerde indicatoren zullen toegepast worden op verschillende voorbeelden.
Journal: Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 95, 68-76
Sofie Huysman, Serenella Sala, Lucia Mancini, Fulvio Ardente, Fabrice Mathieux, Rodrigo A.F. Alvarenga, Steven De Meester, Jo Dewulf
The transition toward resource efficient production and consumption patterns is currently one of the main challenges in engineering, environmental science and especially in governmental policies. This transition has led to a proliferation of meanings related to the resource efficiency concept, resulting in a wide variety of indicators. In this paper, we propose a systematized framework in which resource efficiency indicators can be structured and comprehensively positioned. The aim is to provide a proper understanding of the scope and limitations of particular existing resource efficiency indicators in order to assist policy makers and the scientific community in the application and further development of indicators. This framework covers all different resource use-related aspects evaluated in existing approaches, including simple accounting of resource extraction and use; environmental impact assessment due to resource extraction and use; accounting and environmental impact assessment of specific processes and of full supply chains; analyses at micro-scale and macro-scale; and analysis of both natural resources versus waste-as-resources. To illustrate the potential application of the framework, a set of currently used indicators was selected, whereupon these indicators were structured and evaluated within the framework.
Journal paper: Environmental Science and Technology, 48 (16), 9709-9716
Huysman S., Schaubroeck T. & Dewulf J.
Although natural resources form the basis of our economy, they are not always used in a sustainable way. To achieve a more sustainable economic growth, resource consumption needs to be measured. Therefore, resource footprint frameworks (RFF) are being developed. To easily provide results, these RFF integrate inventory methodologies, at macro-level mostly input-output (IO) models, with resource accounting methodologies (RAM), of which the Ecological Footprint is probably the best known one. The objective of this paper is the development of a new RFF, in which a world IO-model (Exiobase), providing a global perspective, is integrated with the CEENE methodology (Cumulative Exergy Extraction from the Natural Environment), offering a more complete resource range: fossil fuels, metals, minerals, nuclear resources, water resources, land resources, abiotic renewable resources and atmospheric resources. This RFF, called IO-CEENE, allows one to calculate resource footprints for products or services consumed in different countries as the exergy extracted from nature. The way the framework is constructed makes it possible to show which resources and countries contribute to the total footprint. This was illustrated by a case study, presenting the benefits of the framework’s worldwide perspective.